Price: $24.99 ($131.88)(as of 2018-09-15 07:45:16 PST) You save $106.89 (81%)
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Test Preparation
Released: 2010-09-01
Fast Track Membership [Monthly Subscription] by TestingMom.com
Software Details
Brand: TestingMom.com |
Media: Download |
Hardware Platform: Web Browser |
Operating System: Web Browser |
Online Test Prep And Skill Building For Pre-K to 8th Graders Ace the tests and make more A's in a way that feels like play!System Requirements:
- Supported OS: Web Browser
- Processor Format: 32 bit
Web Browser
Product Features
- Instant Access to Online Test Prep For Pre-K to 8th Grade. Start with 100 free questions at the Testing Mom web site then gain access to over 100,000 practice questions and tests as a member.
- Your membership is for grades pre-K, kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, grade 7, grade 8. Instant access to state assessments and common core for PARCC and Smarter Balanced including California STAR test, New York ELA and math, Texas STAAR.
- Testing Mom supports the popular tests: CogAT test (form 6 and form 7), OLSAT test, NNAT-2 test, ITBS (Iowa test), WISC test, ERB, Terra Nova test, SCAT test, GATE, WPPSI, KBIT2 test, Stanford-Binet, AABL test, ISEE, InView, CCAT, Woodcock Johnson, Torrance, Reynolds RIAS, WIAT, WASI, CTBS, and SAGES-2. Testing Mom has guided students with higher scores on gifted and talented tests for major cities like New York City – NYC, Chicago, Houston Vanguard, Fairfax County, Dallas, Los Angeles Unified Schools, Frisco and more.
More Details
Publisher: TestingMom.com |
Category: Test Preparation |
Binding: Software Download |