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Who Built America? From the Centennial Celebration of 1876 to the Great War of 1914

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Media: CA-Import Hardware Platform: PC Running Machine: Home Windows
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In Keeping With a definitive two-quantity History of the U.S., Who Built America? Bargains a complete new option to stumble upon History. Readers can uncover how the textual content was woven from the threads of actual occasions by means of having access to some of the Hundreds of authentic source documents: audio, video, and textual content. Imagine not just studying in regards to the invention of cinema however seeing the great Educate Theft in its entirety, hearing a young boy's searing account of a lynching in rural Florida in 1902, or watching suffragists march up Fifth Avenue. Coupling excellent scholarship with the opportunity to move behind the broadcast web page, Who Constructed The Usa? offers an impression and immediacy which transforms the learn about of Historical Past.



Product Options

  • American Social Historical Past Undertaking
  • Watch early movies that made History
  • Lots of historic paperwork, together with photos, pictures,letters, archival audio and films
  • 70 graphs and charts; video games, quizzes, and the world's first crossword puzzle
  • In Depth Multiplied E Book research instruments, including custom-made search, index, computing device capabilities and Superfind for search with the aid of subject and file kind

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Writer: Voyager Class: History Binding: CD-ROM


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