Price: $5.00 (as of 2017-09-02 07:45:16 PST) |
MindTap Mobile App for Spanish: Exploraciones, 2nd Edition by Cengage Learning
DescriptionPlease check the ISBN that your instructor provided. If the ISBN-13 does not match this product (9781337565165) or its Printed Access Card equivalent (9781337565158) this may not be the correct product. In some cases, you may also require a course code from your Instructor. The MindTap Mobile App for Spanish: Exploraciones, 2nd Edition, is a supplement to your core course textbook or digital learning tool. The vocabulary terms and sentences contained in this app are obtained from your course textbook, and each one has a recording of a native speaker pronouncing it, which you can listen to as often as you would like. The app provides immediate feedback on your pronunciation and allows you to go back and listen to your recording so you can better understand where your pronunciation could be improved. This app allows you to track performance and identify specific phrase types that are particularly challenging to you. Additionally, the MindTap Mobile App for Spanish provides quizzes focused on specific vocabulary from your course textbook, audio-enhanced flashcards for vocabulary, and a results screen that shows your progress and achievement. To access the app’s practice content, you must first activate the associated MindTap course, by logging in at Cengage Brain and entering a course code. Instructor Assigned: Please be aware that the product you are purchasing is usable only if assigned by your instructor. If your instructor has not assigned this product, you should not continue with your purchase. PlatformsWeb Browser
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